Sunday, September 6, 2009

Something about myself

Thank you for visiting my personal blog! I don't know what I should write for the first post in my blog. It might sound boring, but I think you guys need to know about me just a little bit at least as long as you are visiting my blog. So, let me briefly introduce myself to you guys first. My name is Kang Hae-Joong. I'm 24 years old in an international age. Of course, I'm 25 in Korean age. Many people from other countries who don't know about Korean culture wonder what a Korean age is. I went to Australia with working holiday visa on 13 April 2007. I had lived in Brisbane city for eight and half months and had traveled around Australia for a month. I made lots of international friends over there. I explained about the concept of Korean age to many of my international friends whenever I first met them in Australia. You guys all know that we consider that we were already one year old as soon as we were born and we get one year older at the turning point of that year. In contrast, people from other countries consider that they became one year old when it was one year after their birthday. They were quite interested in this difference. I had worked in the hotel called the Sebel&Citigate King George Square Brisbane as a food&beverage attendant for six months. It was my first time to get a weekly payment. I'm not sure how I got a job there. I had no working experience in hotel. All I got was just confidence. I was very desperate for a job at that time. The job interview was also quite challenging, but I emphasized that I used to work with American soldiers, so I would not have any big problem working there as well. I might seem very strange to the managers, but it worked anyway. Of course, it was very hard to do my job at first because it was my very first time to work as a kind of waiter in the hotel. I was clumsy about everything, but I got used to my job before long. I made some Australian friends there. I still keep in touch with them through facebook. I'm really missing them. It's been already over one year since I came back to Korea. It's a shame that my English speaking skills are getting worse and worse. I have fewer chances to speak English nowadays. Now, I even feel nervous when I speak English. Anyway, it seems obvious that I had such a great time in Australia. I had a lot of freedom over there, but I'm afraid my life is too tight in Korea. Everytime I feel gloomy, I think about the good old days I had in Australia. It feels like Australia is my second hometown. That's the place where I always want to go back to someday. I'm missing all the friends I met there. I'm getting a lot of stress studying for the teacher's exam now. To be honest, I'm not ready to take it at all. I'll do my best for the rest of the time and try my luck, though. As some of you know, I have two brothers. One is my big brother, and the other is my identical twin brother. There are lots of episodes related to my being twin, but it will take ages to talk about it now. I'll tell you guys these stories next time. I need to get some sleep now. That's all for my introduction for today. See you around:)


  1. I knew that you worked in Australia. I can't believe that I didn't know about your twin until the other day. That's an interesting fact! I think your English is very good (one of the best in the department), so I don't think you have anything to worry about.


  2. I'm so flattered, Ryan! Thank you for saying that. I'm afraid my English is not that good, though. You know I still have a long way to go. By the way, I thought I told you about my twin brother last year, but I didn't, did I? I'll show you his picture later:) See you tomorrow!

  3. Hey,Sun-il! It's good to see you online, ha ha. I guess you also miss Australia, mate! I'm visiting your blog right now:D

  4. Hey,u r so brave!!! After I ETS, I've never dreamed about going back to western society. Of course, people from there is cool and I also like the culture. But I figured that I just don't match with them. Maybe I could be friends with them, but living in that society is totally different story.
    But, I still wanna hear some more about your working holiday and trip in Aus. I'll see u around!

  5. I saw your twin brother this morning. Eunhye and I saw him and we said hello to him, but there was a little silence. He said that he was not Hae-Joong, so we were very ashamed.

  6. I know you're so busy studying for the exam. Cheer up, Hae Joong:)
