Monday, September 28, 2009


People are different from each other in terms of a lot of things. I think that especially the personality each person has is very diverse. It is also not that easy to exactly define someone's personality in one word because there still exist lots of different figures of it inside individuals. I think we ourselves don't recognize all the personalities we have. Some people say that a person's appearance fully reflects his or her personality, so the first impression is very important. I partly support this point, but I don't think it is completely right. Of course, I also have been judging somebody by his or her appearance and facial expression at first. I know it's kind of prejudice, but it's really hard to get over. When I see some guy who usually frowns his face, I'm likely to consider him not a very nice guy even though I really don't know him. However, I often find out that he is actually a really nice person once I get closed to him. The better I get to know him, the more I can find his different personalities. I think judging somebody by his appearance or just one apparent personality might be wrong. Let's find out our friends' another attractions that even he or she doesn't recognize yet.

Q. What is the difference between character and personality?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Another myself

The reason why I talked about the clones, all of sudden, the other day was to let you know that I have an identical twin brother as well as the movie 'The Island' is awesome. Of course, he is not my clone, but you know we have the completely same gene. We can even transplant our organs to each other without any rejection. I definitely hope that kind of situation never ever happens to us, though! He and I attended the same elementary school, middle school, high school, and even the same university. We've always been together since we were born. Some of my friends usually say that my twin brother looks much better than me, which I don't accept, but we looked more alike when we both were young. Whenever we walked along the street, people often stared at us as if they saw something mysterious. Every new semester, the teachers got confused with who was who. When we became the fourth grade, we were assigned to the same class. We didn't know many friends at the first day of the new semester, so we couldn't help sitting together. Our friends got surprised to see us and didn't look off from us. According to my mother's request, we got separated into the other classes the next day, but we already got pretty famous in the school since that day. We made a lot of friends because he made his friends in his class and I made my friends in my class. Then, his friends and my friends became our friends because we always hung out together. Our friends often joked asking why we were looking in the mirror whenever we talked to each other face to face. In contrast to American culture, we should call a sibling's name with respect in Korea if he or she is older than us, but I just call his name only even though he was born 2 minutes earlier than me. Actually, I rather consider him as my closest friend than an older brother. We've been spending lots of time doing the same things together. we share any secret or anxiety with each other that we can't tell anybody. We are willing to give advices about it. Since we entered the university, he has been going out with his girlfriend for over 6 years. He tries to have more time with his girlfriend, so I often get jealous of them, but I believe I'm quite used to it now. We are busy doing each other's own things now, so we can't spend as much time together as we did. We quarreled a lot when we were young. We still fight with each other due to something insignificant, but we understand each other's mind better than any other person. (His girlfriend may understand him better than me..;;) He is one of the most precious people and will always be in my entire life. I'd like to thank him for being my twin brother.
I apologize to the people, who got confused by us, for causing some inconvenience:P

Quiz. Which one is me in the pictures?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Island

Everybody might have imagined at least once how it would be if there existed the identical people as themselves. I recently saw the movie 'The Island' on TV by chance. I was just taking a break on sofa when I just turned on the TV, in which the movie was on. There live a lot of clones, who were created only for the original people's requests, in the unknown space. The clones are supposed to believe they were saved from the contaminated earth. Their only hopes are going to the island which is considered as an ideal world among them. One of the clones wonders about everything going on around him and doubts about the existence of the island..
I'm not going to say the whole story about it for the people who didn't see it yet. I strongly recommend this movie to everybody. It's really cool!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Something about myself

Thank you for visiting my personal blog! I don't know what I should write for the first post in my blog. It might sound boring, but I think you guys need to know about me just a little bit at least as long as you are visiting my blog. So, let me briefly introduce myself to you guys first. My name is Kang Hae-Joong. I'm 24 years old in an international age. Of course, I'm 25 in Korean age. Many people from other countries who don't know about Korean culture wonder what a Korean age is. I went to Australia with working holiday visa on 13 April 2007. I had lived in Brisbane city for eight and half months and had traveled around Australia for a month. I made lots of international friends over there. I explained about the concept of Korean age to many of my international friends whenever I first met them in Australia. You guys all know that we consider that we were already one year old as soon as we were born and we get one year older at the turning point of that year. In contrast, people from other countries consider that they became one year old when it was one year after their birthday. They were quite interested in this difference. I had worked in the hotel called the Sebel&Citigate King George Square Brisbane as a food&beverage attendant for six months. It was my first time to get a weekly payment. I'm not sure how I got a job there. I had no working experience in hotel. All I got was just confidence. I was very desperate for a job at that time. The job interview was also quite challenging, but I emphasized that I used to work with American soldiers, so I would not have any big problem working there as well. I might seem very strange to the managers, but it worked anyway. Of course, it was very hard to do my job at first because it was my very first time to work as a kind of waiter in the hotel. I was clumsy about everything, but I got used to my job before long. I made some Australian friends there. I still keep in touch with them through facebook. I'm really missing them. It's been already over one year since I came back to Korea. It's a shame that my English speaking skills are getting worse and worse. I have fewer chances to speak English nowadays. Now, I even feel nervous when I speak English. Anyway, it seems obvious that I had such a great time in Australia. I had a lot of freedom over there, but I'm afraid my life is too tight in Korea. Everytime I feel gloomy, I think about the good old days I had in Australia. It feels like Australia is my second hometown. That's the place where I always want to go back to someday. I'm missing all the friends I met there. I'm getting a lot of stress studying for the teacher's exam now. To be honest, I'm not ready to take it at all. I'll do my best for the rest of the time and try my luck, though. As some of you know, I have two brothers. One is my big brother, and the other is my identical twin brother. There are lots of episodes related to my being twin, but it will take ages to talk about it now. I'll tell you guys these stories next time. I need to get some sleep now. That's all for my introduction for today. See you around:)