Monday, November 23, 2009

The end of year

I feel that time really flies especially when I look back on the past time. It feels like 2009 has started yesterday, but this year is almost over. It is already the end of November. There is the Korean movie, "2009- Lost Memories". I saw that movie in 2002 when I was a 3rd year of high school student. 2009 was 7 years later than that time, so it felt like it was fairly long future. I vaguely thought I might have a job and be married in 2009 at that time. Reality is quite different, though. I'm still a student and not sure when I'll get a job. I usually feel regret for something that I have not done even though I should have done at the end of every year. Then I make a new plan for the next year, reflecting the thing I haven't fully done this year. It's almost time to make a new plan and refresh myself.


  1. Hahahahhahahahahaha 2009 Lost Memories. lol

  2. So what are you plans for next year, then?


  3. Basically, I'm planning to study hard. Not sure in detail.
